
Make it to where people can upload files to boxed wine even in browser.

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Make it to where people can upload files to boxed wine even in browser.

You are able to manually add files to the root filesystem (before starting boxedwine)
on Windows look at:
Add upload/download button by editing boxedwine-shell.js and set:
Config.showUploadDownload = true;
If you want to persist files (d:/) you can change the filesystem from MEMORY to LOCAL STORAGE via:
Config.storageMode = STORAGE_LOCAL_STORAGE;
There is also an option to use a dropbox account as a back-end, but I haven't tested that in years and probably is now out-of-date.
See instructions for more options

@kevodwyer Is it possible to load .exe files in Boxedwine from a URL, instead of manually adding them to the root file system?

Yes, you can. See buildFlags.txt mentioned above for instructions.
Various options:

  • directly add fetch() call to the boxedwine-shell.js
  • use existing &app-payload=[base64 string] url parameter
  • use drag and drop to copy a zip file onto the canvas or use existing upload button
  • for full control - build upon boxedwine-shell-simple.js example in the project/emscripten directory