
How do I make submissions to the App & Games section of the website?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Dorr8 commented

I am interested in possibly helping out to make more compatibility entires to the Apps & Games section of the website, but I am unsure if I should submit them here or someone else, or if you even take submissions. Thanks in advance for your response.

Thanks for the offer. I feel that an appdb like what Wine does is too big of a project. At first I was leaning in that direction because there were so few games that worked well in Boxedwine, but now most games before the year 2000 seem to work well.

My goal for Boxedwine is to run everything that Wine can so with that in mind I'm more interested in games that actually work on Wine but not Boxedwine that came out before the year 2000. So as you are testing games, if you have access to Wine and see a game work on Linux/Wine but not on Boxedwine, please create an Issue here on git hub so that I can track it.