
Can't get game from 1996 to run, but it runs fine on regular Wine

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Specifically, I'm trying to get the game "Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet" to run. I've already tried it out in the past and its on WineDB, but the game is able to be installed and played without issue using Wine on Linux, and I've been able to do it with several different versions of Wine on different distros. The game itself is a bit of nightmare in terms of compatibility, and I've been trying out all sorts of ways to create an easily playable version of the game that doesn't need a VM, but haven't had a great amount of success.

To preface slightly about how the program works, the main executable for the game is called "teoboot", and before any gameplay can begin, the user needs to create a profile. The actual gameplay itself and the process of creating a profile both are both done within the teoboot executable, but they can only be opened if the program is ran with the command "-SETUP" for the profile creation, and "-FULLSCREEN" or "-WINDOWED" for the game itself.

Whats strange to me is that the actual setup of process works without any issues at all, but when trying to run the game it will begin and then immediately crash, despite both of them running from the same executable. The game came out in '96, and there are several different versions of it that were released in different regions, but all of them run into the same exact issue. I've tried every available version of Wine and every version of Windows, along with trying out all sorts of different combinations of settings, and I've even tried just about every version of BoxedWine, but the game will not start in any situation. When the game is run in windowed mode within Wine, there will be an error message that states "A program on your system has crashed, but WineDbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace."

If there's anything I can try out to fix this, I'd love to hear it. From what I can tell there is a way to have BoxedWine run in a debug mode that shows a lot more info in the log, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this. Let me know if there is any information needed.

One more thing that's slightly unrelated as it only really matters if the game can be run, but is there any way to have microphone access in BoxedWine? Fin Fin is meant to be played by using a microphone, but it can also be played without it.

I got as far as you did.

I've seen these two errors in both the normal 32-bit core and x64 core

wine: ../wine-git/dlls/ntdll/unix/virtual.c:1560: create_view: Assertion `view->protect & VPROT_SYSTEM' failed.

wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 00000000 at address 0068A9FA (thread 0031), starting debugger...

If you are using the UI (instead of command line), the log can be found by opening the storage location


If you are using command line, you can add: -log c:\location\log.txt

If you use the Boxedwine command line you can add environment variables too, like -env "WINEDEBUG=+module" and wine will add more stuff to the log.

I didn't see anything obvious. It could be just a bug or it could be that I never debugged an app using a microphone before so I might be returning the wrong code to say the microphone is not present.

Based on the install location, it looks like you aren't using the same version of Fin Fin as I am, though the result is still the same. Looking at the log, this is what I see when it crashes, not sure if it helps.

wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 00000000 at address 0068A9FA (thread 003d), starting debugger... openAudio: freq=44100(got 44100) format=8120(got 8120) channels=2(got 2) 004a:err:ole:create_server class {91190124-ec9d-11d0-aa9b-00000e4e4a02} not registered 004a:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {91190124-ec9d-11d0-aa9b-00000e4e4a02} could be created for context 0x4

Because of real life, I haven't been able to work on Boxedwine recently. But hopefully I will be able to start getting back into it next month. My first goal is to finish Wine 7 support and release that. After that I will come back to this game since it seems like a good fit for Boxedwine and the game I've seen with microphone support.

Glad to hear it! I'll be looking forward to see if you can get it working.