
Some Questions on the Procedures

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Is there any reason you called compress inside? I changed it, but I thought there might be something I didn't figure out.

int ret = lilcom_compress(dim, input_data, input_stride,

if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "OO|ii", kwlist,

I remember you said we should make the input values obligatory in order to prevent issues made by default values. Shall I do it here and leave the default parameter assignment to the python wrapper?

Currently, I have done so but I ask just to get that if I was right doing that. If you say keep the defualts I will revert the change.

inputArray = numpy.array([random.randrange(-(2**15), 2**15 - 1) for i in range (n_samples)]).astype(numpy.int16)

For testing, currently, I am creating an array using random-number generator. (I do acknowledge that it should be k-dimensional where k is not necessarily 1.) Is using random number generator enough for this step of test, or we should use a sample procedure to make it more real? I do realize that the next step of testing an audio file but my question here is restricted to very basic level of test.

You can make them obligatory, sure.
Random number generator is good. We're just testing that it doesn't crash.
Make sure that you use a very wide range of scales; it's the denormal and nearly-infinite numbers that are likely to cause a crash, and those need to be tested.