
Please provide a sample WPF application using Prism.Microsoft.DependencyInjection.Extensions

DermotMurphy opened this issue · 4 comments

I have some .Net Core applications which have dependencies on FluentValidation and Mediatr which have extension methods to register items in the ServiceCollection.

I would like to leverage these extension methods in a WPF application.

A sample WPF Prism Application would help enormously.

juner commented

Is it related to #106 ?

It is said that 7.2 does not yet support WPF.

When combined with the new Prism 8, it may work with WPF.


I missed that nugget of information. I shall look forward to Prism * and keep my fingers crossed for WPF support.


Hahaha ... Prism 8 NOT Prism *

Prism.Wpf & Prism.Uno are virtually identical... this is tested against Prism.Forms and was built originally for Prism.Forms. That said a couple of things to note:

  • This is an Open Source project. I have no obligation to anyone to provide samples for their use case.
  • The "Extensions" part of the Prism.Container.Extensions were mostly baked into Prism 8 making it mostly obsolete
  • The Shiny and IServiceCollection support which is the one thing that this really does, that is not part of Prism 8.. are better handled by the Prism Magician
  • Prism.Microsoft.DependencyInjection.Extensions is a mostly experimental container. It's out there, there may be some bugs and things I haven't accounted for. It's really on the community to help support it if people want it.