
Compatibility 2.3

simonmaass opened this issue · 9 comments

Is this project still maintained? Any idea if there will be support for 2.3?

Not sure if this project is still maintained, but it does semi work on 2.3. From what I have tested there is one bug present that does not allow the customer to return to previous steps during checkout or refresh the checkout page. I posted this to another thread also as this seems to have plagued a few other versions of this extension. Below is the errors being thrown.

Uncaught TypeError: sortedItems.forEach is not a function
at Object.target.navigateTo (navigator-mixin.js:27)
at Object.navigateTo (progress-bar.js:49)
at HTMLSpanElement. (knockout.js:4255)
at HTMLSpanElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5226)
at HTMLSpanElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4878)

navigator-mixin.js:62 Uncaught TypeError: target.steps.sort(...).forEach is not a function
at Object.target.handleHash (navigator-mixin.js:62)

Just to add, after login the progress bar disappears during checkout also.

Hey guys, I was waiting for 2.3 actually before diving in to the current issue backlog - as well as continue work on the Onestep theme. Haven't had much time lately, but repo is definitely not abandoned.

Of course PRs always welcome ;-)

i can confirm that everything works in 2.2.7

@danslo PR submitted to CleanCheckoutTheme, simple tweak - but I haven't tested for backwards compatibility with 2.2.

@jupiter01 @danslo Hi i found the solution for the steps issue you have to change in :
you have to replace forEach->each. I don't know why the function is write like that is write like that.
With this the progressBar also appears when you are logged in. But there is also another bug which if you are logged in it does not get the costumer email automatically.

We're making updates to this module which includes a fix for this bug as well as support for the versions of Magento

DJB95 commented

@edward-simpson @danslo First of all, thanks a lot for this great checkout extension!
Question: is there any information on when you expect to make the updates and bug fixes for latest Magento versions?
Also, what issues can we expect when updating Magento 2.2.8 to 2.4? Looking forward to your reply!

@DJB95 we consider the latest release of this module to be compatible with the 2.4.x branches, which includes some bug fixes, and have some more on the way.

With regards to what issues to expect when upgrading from 2.2.8 to 2.4, while I've been lucky enough to not have to personally work on a 2.2.x to 2.4.x upgrade, I've seen plenty of stack overflow posts of issues going between 2.2.x and 2.3.x - the only thing to really do is try it (locally, or on a staging site obviously, please don't do this on production!!) and work through what comes up. You might have better luck getting previous experiences from either the Magento forums, slack channel, or subreddit.

I'm going to close this off, as ever if you see any issues please create a new ticket