
[Request] Param extraction

Closed this issue · 3 comments

If true is passed as the second argument to require("url").parse, the params in the query string will be extracted. Picard's parsed_url method doesn't let me do this.

Actually, this isn't that important. url.parse(req.url, true) isn't that much harder to write than req.parsed_url(true).

To keep everything simple, I went ahead and made query string parsing the default, no on/off option. I mean, who really needs an unparsed query string? And for those that really do, there's always search.substring(1).

FWIW, PayPal IPN actually requires access to the unparsed query string. You have to return to them exactly the request they made to you, in the same order. So long as it can be got to some way, though, I don't think there's a problem.