This is a demo Electron to display some of the main functionalities of the framework: running a React app, network interceptors, notifications, dock and tray, auto-update, export to PDF.

If you want to try the release process please fork the repo and try GH Actions on using your own account.

System Requirements:

  • git
  • Nodejs ^10 | ^12 | ^14
  • npm v6
  • windows-build-tools
  • docker


git clone
cd bookshelf
npm install

Setup Hasura Backend

  1. run docker-compose up in the root of the repo.
  2. go to http://localhost:8080, Data tab and then click on SQL on the left side panel SQL tab
  3. paste the contents of ./hasura/structure.sql inside the SQL query runner, check Track this and then press on Run
  4. click on the cogwheel icon on the top menu bar and press on Import metadata and then select the ./hasura/hasura_metadata.json file and upload it. Alternatively, go to Data tab in the top menu bar and track all the relations

Run the application in dev-mode

npm run start-dev

Prepare a distribution installer

npm run dist

How to do an automatic deployment

  • change the version in package.json
  • use the same version when creating a tag git tag v${version}
  • push the tag git push origin v${version}