
"Invite friends" feature

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From #30:

Regarding inviting friends, there is no proper way to get the list of all your friends from Facebook (Facebook will only show me your friends who are also using the app, which is not that many I guess smiley). But now that I think about it, I see a way how I could abuse the birthday calendar to use it as your friend list. To invite them, I could add "Invite your friends" link to the description that would open the app and would let you choose whom to invite.

This plan has one big flaw - not everyone publishes their birthday on Facebook, so even the birthday calendar would not provide a full friend list. I could try to look into how SocialFixer scrapes the friend list and could retrieve it as part of regular sync (or from time to time) and just keep it cached locally. Other option is to try to some page on mobile version of Facebook that has the friends and that we could scrape.

Once solved, the solution is rather simple: just insert a custom link (fbevensync://invite?eventId=X) to each event and register ourselves as a handler. Tapping the link will lunch our activity, where we can do an actual Graph API query to fetch current event attendees and offer some RSVP options, including inviting friends and changing our own RSVP status.

This should be a completely optional feature, not everyone may want a random app to poke around their friends list.