
Pin version of Google Play Services to 11+

jacquesdev opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @danwilson

There seems to be an issue with this plugin when used in conjunction with the cordova-plugin-facebook4 plugin. The issue is that the Google Play Services dependency on this project should probably be pinned to whatever version you want it to be on. I saw 11 is the latest, and so I guess this is a good starting point.

I am working on a fix now, and will open a PR shortly.

Please see the issue below, we have asked a couple of other plugin owners to make similar changes to keep this working.

jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4#507 (comment)

Hi, @jacquesdev

You should not use pinned versions on that plugin; you should use it like this:

<framework src="com.android.support:support-v4:+" />
<framework src="com.android.support:appcompat-v7:+" />

As they comment on the issue you should use the wildcard + to use the latest version on the dependency.

No change need to me made in this plugin. Sorry but there is nothing to change in this project. And yes I read the complete issue #507