
WebPage not updated auto

qbihay opened this issue · 6 comments


First at all, a big thanks for your works.

I have a small issue and I don't know why.
On the page, I can see all the room but it's not refresh automatically.
The config/controller.js.,it is set to 1 minute (the default value).


Yes, this is an awesome tool, thanks! I also don't seem to be able to get refresh working.


I write a little workaround to have the auto-refresh work.
On the html page, I've added the meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30

in ui-react/package.json and /ui-react/src/config/flightboard.config.js, change localhost to ip address; i had overlooked this as well

9uan9 commented

I updated package.json and flightboard.config.js using ip address and it is still not refreshing. Is there anything else that I should be looking at that may be causing this to not work for me?

Try with the most recent release and see if this fixes any issues. Thanks.

Thanks! The latest version seems to update fine!