
myLooper not null, a bug in some MediaPlayer implementation cause that listeners are not called at all. Please use a thread without Looper

NianguoWang opened this issue · 0 comments

I have use a Apollo MediaPlayer to instead of MediaPlayer.But when I setDataSource, it throws a exception says that this method has to be called in a Thread with looper. But when I add looper, the MediaPlayerWrapper throws an exception:

protected MediaPlayerWrapper(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
        TAG = "" + this;
        if (SHOW_LOGS) Logger.v(TAG, "constructor of MediaPlayerWrapper");
        if (SHOW_LOGS) Logger.v(TAG, "constructor of MediaPlayerWrapper, main Looper " + Looper.getMainLooper());
        if (SHOW_LOGS) Logger.v(TAG, "constructor of MediaPlayerWrapper, my Looper " + Looper.myLooper());
        if(Looper.myLooper() != null){
            throw new RuntimeException("myLooper not null, a bug in some MediaPlayer implementation cause that listeners are not called at all. Please use a thread without Looper");
        mMediaPlayer = mediaPlayer;

How can I resolve this conflict?