ICEA Energy Production

Click here to see the demo!

Google Sheet (Data)

This project utilizes Google Sheets to retrieve Data. You must have Read/Write privileges to modify data on the spreadsheet.

Column Values Description
carousel y/n Toggles weather or not the member is displayed in the carousel
iceamember Member's name The member name to display at the top of the carousel if no logo is present
energytype solar/geothermal The energy type the member produces. Solar energy will be affected by a Quarterly Seasonal Adjustment
memberlogo Path to logo The path to the member's logo. This will be assigned when the file is uploaded to Wordpress. E.g., /wp-content/uploads/2017/06/logo.jpg
nameplatecapacity decimal The nameplate capacity for the member
capacityfactor decimal The capacity factor for the member
day decimal nameplatecapacity * capacityfactor * 24

Quarterly Seasonal Adjustment

The program modifies the data presented on the website is using the Quarterly Seasonal Adjustment if the member's energy type is solar. This will affect the daily energy production which in turn affects month, but not year. The adjustments are as follows:

January - March April - June July - September October - December
0.76 1.26 1.25 0.7

Non-solar energy types will have their QSA set to 1 year-round.

Calculation of Values

Time-Based Values

Daily Energy Production = (nameplatecapacity * capacityfactor) * 24
QSA Daily Energy Production = ((nameplatecapacity * capacityfactor) * 24) * QSA
Monthly Energy Production = QSA Daily Energy Production * 30
Annual Energy Production = Daily Energy Production * 365

Relatable Values

Homes Powered Annually = Annual Energy Production / 12
Lbs of Carbon Emissions Saved Annually = Annual Energy Production * 2100

Enabling/Disabling Energy Production Panel

Method 1 (preferred)

Simply set all members' carousel column to n within the Google Sheet. The program will hide the panel if no members are returned.

Method 2 (technical)

If you decide you want to temporarily disable the panel without losing track of which members were enabled previously, you'll need to edit some basic PHP.

  1. Login to the WordPress Admin Dashboard
  2. Select AceIDE from the sidebar
  3. Navigate to /themes/juno-child-theme-01/front-page.php
  4. Look for this code:
<!-- BEGIN Energy Production -->
<?php  get_template_part( 'template-parts/energy-production', 'energy-production' );  ?>
<!-- END Energy Production -->
  1. Comment out the line of PHP by adding /* right after <?php and */ right before the ?> like so:
<?php /* get_template_part( 'template-parts/energy-production', 'energy-production' ); */ ?>