How to sync only a subset of a collection?
Closed this issue · 1 comments
jaytonic commented
I've a collection of documents where people can add documents, and add participants to a document.
I need my AAAAQuery/Service/Store to only applies to documents where my current angular fire auth user Id is contained in the dictionary of string "participants" of each object.
My understanding is that I should be able to call some "sync" method on the service, that will make a request with some parameters to filter the collection, but I can't find an example of that.
I'm sure it is possible, but not sure how?
Here are document in my /plannings/{id}
export interface Planning{
id?: string;
name: String;
date: Date;
manager: string;
participants: string[];
GrandSchtroumpf commented
Best would be to do a simple query :
export class PlanningComponent {
plannings$ = this.auth.authState.pipe(
switchMap(user => this.service.valueChanges(ref => ref.where('participants', 'array-contains', auth.uid)))
private service: PlanningService,
private auth: AngularFireAuth,
) {}