
Not working with 1.0.0-rc.3

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Despites of your own statement:

Supported Dapr Version: 0.10.0 and above

I doubt it is supported with 1.0.0-rc.3. First reason is that in the deploy folder, you still use "id" and "port" in the dapr annotations instead of "app-id" and "app-port", but this could be a problem with the sample.

Secund reason is that I've upgraded my cluster to run on 1.0.0-rc.3 (extract from dapr dashboard -k):

dapr-dashboard | dapr-dashboard-84b6c769f5-tck7p | dapr-system | True | Running | 0.6.0 | 2h | 2021-02-02 09:46.03
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
dapr-operator | dapr-operator-659f98bf8b-d8mvx | dapr-system | True | Running | 1.0.0-rc.3 | 2h | 2021-02-02 09:46.03
dapr-placement-server | dapr-placement-server-0 | dapr-system | True | Running | 1.0.0-rc.3 | 2h | 2021-02-02 09:46.03
dapr-sentry | dapr-sentry-57fc976b7c-gtztm | dapr-system | True | Running | 1.0.0-rc.3 | 2h | 2021-02-02 09:46.03
dapr-sidecar-injector | dapr-sidecar-injector-7c4cbcd9c6-j6nm8 | dapr-system | True | Running | 1.0.0-rc.3 | 2h | 2021-02-02 09:46.03

and since then, the workflow engine is broken. Whatever workflow (including your demo workflow1.json) I try to invoke returns the following (truncated for brevity):

{"error": "client error: error when reading response headers: EOF. Buffer size=63, contents: "\x00\x00\x18\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00@\x00\x00\...""}

I'm invoking the workflow directly through HTTP using Fiddler ==> Busybox injected with Dapr ==> workflow engine

I have checked the following logs:

  • daprd of busybox
  • daprd of workflow engine
  • workflow engine host

and there is absolutely nothing, not even a trace of the call, although it is provisioned with the debug level.



Found on my own. It is because of a wrong deployment file. Not only app-id and app-port have changed, also protocol got replaced by app-protocol...Strangely enough, it does not generate any error in the logs if you keep using "protocol". So, the WF engine was not listening...

Best regards