dotnet api running with https urls won't show in Dashboard; is it normal ?
vRITHNER opened this issue · 0 comments
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I quite new to Dapr and I'm playing with the distributed-calculator tutorial;
all applications are running fine except the csharp one:
dapr run --app-id subtractapp --app-port 7001 --dapr-http-port 3504 dotnet Subtract.dll
in the frontend, a subtract operation trashes the frontend app:
ata: {
== APP == errorCode: 'ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE',
== APP == message: 'fail to invoke, id: subtractapp, err: rpc error: code = Internal desc = app channel is not initialized'
from postman, a direct call return this:
"errorCode": "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE",
"message": "invoke API is not ready"
From there, I came back to app root folder and I run :
dapr run --app-id subtractapp --app-port 7001 --dapr-http-port 3504 dotnet run
The frontend still crash but with a different error:
"errorCode": "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE",
"message": "fail to invoke, id: subtractapp, err: the server closed connection before returning the first response byte. Make sure the server returns 'Connection: close' response header before closing the connection"
I figured out it should be related to https url endpoint so this time, I run :
dapr run --app-id subtractapp --app-port 7001 --dapr-http-port 3504 dotnet run --app-ssl
This time it worked fine from both Postman or Frontend
Everything is working fine but I can't see the SSL app in the Dashboard
Question: is it normal ?