
Find a good project name

darekkay opened this issue · 5 comments

I've stopped creating domains for projects that might not get traction. Instead I am now hosting most of my projects under a subdomain or subfolder of my main domain. Hence, this Dashboard project currently lives under dashboard.darekkay.com.

However, if this project becomes more popular, it should get a proper name and an own domain. So far, I didn't find a name that was great and not already taken. Any input is welcome 😃

Finding a name goes with the story you want to tell.

So fo sure, before getting to the name, we should clarify the vision of the project : What problem does it solve ? What are the main target / persona ? What kind of journey you want to make them experience ? etc ...

Are you familiar with Product management ?
=> Product Vision, Product Backlog VS Dev Backlog, OKR etc ??

I've created a rough roadmap/vision. But for me it is "just" a side project (even though I'm investing a lot of time into it). Having a pinned browser tab with a dashboard displaying all the information I find useful is enough of a vision for me. Yes, there are many more use cases, but I'd like to "learn to walk before I run".

I know, such a generic definition makes finding a fitting name hard. But any unique, good sounding "[prefix]dash/display/panel" name would basically do. Here are some similar/related projects that I know of: HeroPanel, Geckoboard, Freeboard, Mashboard, Dashing/Smashing, MomentumDash, Atlasboard, Redash, Tipboard, Ryeboard.

Since it's supposed to be your go-to info board, how about something like CompactBoard/Panel or QuickLookUp. Naming is complicated 😄


TickDash sounds good ig