
Rich Response Group can include Default responses

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AS A Language Designer
I WANT TO include 'default' responses in 'rich' response group
SO THAT I save time and reduce chance of errors when defining Language resources


This can be done by adding a new "include" response type:

    - include: default
    - text:

Test scenarios

  • Default responses are included

    GIVEN Intent travels.user_ask_train_station has at least a text response in "default"
    AND it has "include: default" in "rich"
    THEN  exported agent will show Default responses in rich platform responses
  • Invalid reference (e.g. include: asdasd) raises ValuError

    GIVEN a test intent exists with at least a text response in "default" 
    AND it has "include: asdasd" in "rich"
    THEN  ValueError is thrown when loading intent language
  • Including "rich" in "default" raises ValueError

    GIVEN a test intent exists with both "default" and "rich" groups defined
    AND it has "include: default" in "rich"
    THEN  ValueError is thrown when loading intent language
  • Including "default" with no reponses produces a Warning log

    GIVEN a test intent exists with no responses in the "default" group 
    AND it has "include: default" in the "rich" group
    THEN exported agent will have no extra answers in rich platform responses
    AND a warning log is produced when loading intent language resources