Closed this issue · 5 comments
@chenkline Could you please write your issue in English to make understandable for everyone?
@Alikhll What he said means that there has no load balancer director/component for client ( different from /independent of load balancer in micro-service framework ) in this roadmap such as ribbon in java. Hope this will help you share your idea with him. If you can answer this, you can @me and I will translate it to reply him.
@Quorafind Actually about loadbalancing there are lots of ways and strategies to do that and I didn't want to encourage new Go developers to choose specific one is in my mind only! gRPC, other frameworks and also orchestration tools such as k8s support that(DNS loadbalancer, etc), so I think it does not suitable way for this chart to direct developers who are new in these technologies to a way I like that...
there are lots of other things are not include in this chart, I just though about the most important things any developer should care about that though.
@chenkline 实际上负载均衡有很多方案和很多策略来实现,但是我不推荐 Go 的初学者在我的想法中选择特定的一个(译注:这里应该是指不需要提及)。gRPC 或者其它框架还有 orchestration 工具例如 k8s 都会支持负载均衡(DNS 负载均衡之类的),所以我不认为这个图表应该指导开发者,尤其是那些初来乍到的开发者来研究这些技术。。。
@Alikhll Done ; )
@Quorafind Great, Thank you ;))