

inky opened this issue · 6 comments

inky commented

50,000 words about snails here we go

inky commented

I've been thinking about the concept of the unreliable narrator. How does a bot see the world? What does @storyofglitch see? Does @tiny_astro_naut miss home? Is @butt_things reciting words mindlessly, or does it possess some deeper insight into our butt nature? Important questions, certainly.

I've also been thinking about Raymond Queneau's Exercises in Style, 'a collection of 99 retellings of the same story, each in a different style'. How would each bot interpret the same human exchange?

I approve of these thoughts.

inky commented

In case this fails, I've generated 50,000 words through the eyes of @everyword. [code] [result]

Triethylamine, indeed. Oh construability, what a word. Inbeing,
splendid! Analkalinity, indeed. My oh my, semianatropal. Trichechidae,
could it be? Isomorphic, splendid! Voidable, could it be?

Oh diastrophism.

Hmm, overparticularly, how interesting. Hmm, reprepare, how
interesting. Oh lanterloo.

inky commented

Well this didn't happen in the end, but I'm now putting the finishing touches on another project which I started… today. NaNoGenDay.

I was intrigued by the concept of Gricean implicatures, and the general concept of violating Grice's Maxims for humorous effect.

"And anyone who wants to make some NOT POISONED gift baskets for the other nominees will be handsomely rewarded."

[…] since by default one tends to assume that gift baskets are not poisoned, the author violated the Gricean maxim of manner (be brief and clear) […]

My project transforms an existing text using simple, silly rules to defy Grice's maxims at random, lending the text a voice that is familiar but hopelessly unreliable, even paranoid.

Nice. A simple idea executed NOT AT ALL QUICKLY.