
IMBA Abilities Issues

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Does Bounty Hunter's HeadHunter work? Its unclear how it works, the particle appears over the enemy heroes head when you're in the fountain but disappears when you leave the fountain, is it gone?

  • Bounty Hunter bug: I think track requires Jinda or something, it creates this bug

scripts\vscripts\lib\util_imba_funcs.lua:554: This object has been deleted from C++ and no longer exists. (Use :IsNull() to detect this.)
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'HasAbility'
	scripts\vscripts\lib\util_imba_funcs.lua:554: in function 'HasTalent'
	...ipts\vscripts\abilities\dota_imba\hero_bounty_hunter.lua:1277: in function <...ipts\vscripts\abilities\dota_imba\hero_bounty_hunter.lua:1275>
  • Bristle Back abilities missing tooltips, also Chen, Dark Seer, Earth Spirit, Ember Spirit, Enchantress, Huskar, Keeper of the Light, Naga, Clockwerk

  • Missing Abilities: Chaos Knight (2 Abilities), Clinkz - 1, Doom - 3, Naga - 3, Skywrath - 1, Sniper - 1, Techies - 3, TideHunter- 3, Tiny - 1,

CK, Doom, Naga, Techies is currently disabled, so its better to remove those heroes altogether.
Clinkz' imba ulti is vanilla Burning Army
Can you explain which abilities are missing for Skywrath, Sniper, Tide, and Tiny? In my Client, they have complete 4 abilities.

Can you explain more about Track bug?
The Track bug should not happened because of missing reference, unless RemoveAbility cheat command is used, then debuff modifier would lost its reference to removed Track ability.