
Small list of things to fix

asumination opened this issue · 0 comments

Lifestealer - skill Ghoul Frenzy is missing (including talent)
Riki - Cloak and Dagger not vanilla? Does not have Backstab
Sand King - Caustic Finale is old custom version (also missing talent)

Missing/Broken Talents:
Bounty Hunter - Jinada damage
Chen - Penitence slow
Chen - Hand of God cooldown
Earth Spirit - Geomagnetic Grip targets allies
Huskar - Burning Spear pure (attached to Life Break)
Huskar - Life Break cooldown
Invoker - +40 DPS Ice Wall
KotL - Blinding Light miss
KotL - Blinding Light cooldown
KotL - Blinding Light stun
Lich - most talents are missing / misplaced
Lone Druid - Spirit Bear move speed
Lone Druid - Entangle cooldown (not pickable even with Spirit Bear)
Lone Druid - Spirit Bear attack time
Mars - God's Rebuke cooldown
Night Stalker - Void damage
Omniknight - Purification cooldown
Wraith King - Vampiric Spirit talents are attached to Mortal Strike