
Doesn't work on TV - DS Video

Mikoros opened this issue · 15 comments

Thank you very much for the wrapper, it works well on PC and phone app. But unfortunately, I don't know if it's normal, but I still can't read videos with DTS audio on DS Video TV app. In fact, the video plays but without the sound.
Thanks in advance for your help ^^

Hello, could you send me this?

tail -n 150 -f /tmp/wrapper_ffmpeg.log

Then copy and paste here the result.

The applications of the "MarketStore" of the TVs are not updated. Companies do not maintain them well in their repositories.
For example, Samsung and LG have super old versions of DS-Video and they never uploaded a new version of DS-Video again.

I recommend that you buy a Google-TV and use the DS-Video of this or cast the DS-Video from a mobile to the Google-TV (Chromecast Gen.5).

I would also like to ask if you changed the order of the audio codecs in the Wrapper using the Configurator Tool?

Older DS-Video versions of TVs only support 1 audio stream and not 2. Perhaps if you force the Wrapper to use 2.0 MP3 (it will give you fewer compatibility issues with older DS-Video versions) and force it to use only 1 audio stream, maybe you can make it work with the older DS-Video of the TVs.

In order to force a use a unique audio stream and ensure a 2.0 stream, you must to use the Configurator Tool (option C) embedded in the installer:
Then Select Option A and G

Hello, could you send me this?

tail -n 150 -f /tmp/wrapper_ffmpeg.log

Then copy and paste here the result.

The applications of the "MarketStore" of the TVs are not updated. Companies do not maintain them well in their repositories. For example, Samsung and LG have super old versions of DS-Video and they never uploaded a new version of DS-Video again.

I recommend that you buy a Google-TV and use the DS-Video of this or cast the DS-Video from a mobile to the Google-TV (Chromecast Gen.5).

I would also like to ask if you changed the order of the audio codecs in the Wrapper using the Configurator Tool?

Older DS-Video versions of TVs only support 1 audio stream and not 2. Perhaps if you force the Wrapper to use 2.0 MP3 (it will give you fewer compatibility issues with older DS-Video versions) and force it to use only 1 audio stream, maybe you can make it work with the older DS-Video of the TVs.

Thank you for your quick response, so if I understand, i must uninstall the wrapper and reinstall it using options a and g ?
About the command, here is the result :

[2023-04-23 17:30:42] INFO: ==================== Configuration of the Language in this Installer ====================
[2023-04-23 17:30:45] INFO: ==================== Changed the Language in this Installer to: FRENCH ====================
[2023-04-23 17:31:37] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Simplest Wrapper: START ====================
[2023-04-23 17:31:37] INFO: Backup the original ffmpeg41 as ffmpeg41.orig.
[2023-04-23 17:31:37] INFO: Injection of the ffmpeg41 wrapper using this injector: simplest.
[2023-04-23 17:31:40] INFO: Fixing permissions of the ffmpeg41 wrapper.
[2023-04-23 17:31:40] INFO: Adding of the KEY of this Wrapper in /tmp.
[2023-04-23 17:31:40] INFO: Backup the original libsynovte.so in VideoStation as libsynovte.so.orig.
[2023-04-23 17:31:40] INFO: Fixing permissions of /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
[2023-04-23 17:31:40] INFO: Patching /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so for compatibility with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
[2023-04-23 17:31:40] INFO: Restarting CodecPack...
[2023-04-23 17:31:45] INFO: Restarting VideoStation...
[2023-04-23 17:31:52] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Simplest Wrapper: COMPLETE ====================

[2023-04-23 17:32:34] [INFO] ========================================[start ffmpeg 12292]
[2023-04-23 17:32:34] [INFO] DEFAULT_ARGS: -ss 0.000 -i /volume1/USER NAME/Vidéos, Télévision/Films/Babysitting 1.mkv -threads 0 -vcodec copy -vsync 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb=repeatheader -acodec libmp3lame -ab 256k -ac 2 -f ssegment -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_type m3u8 -hls_seek_time 0 -segment_time 8 -segment_time_delta 0.000 -segment_start_number 00000 -avoid_negative_ts 0 -break_non_keyframes 0 -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 /tmp/VideoStation/HLS/3567c24e47ad2c0aa0b8b84ce45358ed_QvhHCAUc/slice-%05d.ts

[2023-04-23 17:32:48] [INFO] ========================================[start ffmpeg 12402]
[2023-04-23 17:32:48] [INFO] DEFAULT_ARGS: -ss 179.179 -i /volume1/USER NAME/Vidéos, Télévision/Films/Babysitting 1.mkv -threads 0 -vcodec copy -vsync 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb=repeatheader -acodec libmp3lame -ab 256k -ac 2 -f ssegment -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_type m3u8 -hls_seek_time 179179 -segment_time 8 -segment_time_delta 3.179 -segment_start_number 00022 -avoid_negative_ts 0 -break_non_keyframes 0 -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 /tmp/VideoStation/HLS/3567c24e47ad2c0aa0b8b84ce45358ed_QvhHCAUc/slice-%05d.ts
[2023-04-23 17:33:27] [INFO] ========================================[end ffmpeg 12402]

[2023-04-23 17:33:27] [INFO] ========================================[end ffmpeg 12292]

[2023-04-23 17:55:22] [INFO] ========================================[start ffmpeg 20790] [2023-04-23 17:55:22] [INFO] DEFAULT_ARGS: -ss 0.000 -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -noautorotate -i /volume1/USER NAME/Vidéos, Télévision/Films/Babysitting 1.mkv -vcodec h264_vaapi -vf format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload,scale_vaapi=w=1280:h=688,scale_vaapi=format=nv12 -vsync 2 -bf 0 -vb 1000000 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128K -ac 2 -f ssegment -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_type m3u8 -hls_seek_time 0 -segment_time 5 -segment_time_delta 0.000 -segment_start_number 00000 -individual_header_trailer 0 -avoid_negative_ts 0 -break_non_keyframes 1 -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 /tmp/VideoStation/HLS/3567c24e47ad2c0aa0b8b84ce45358ed_61rhXK9V/slice-%05d.ts
[2023-04-23 18:08:55] [INFO] ========================================[end ffmpeg 20790]

[2023-04-24 18:07:32] [INFO] ========================================[start ffmpeg 24666]
[2023-04-24 18:07:32] [INFO] DEFAULT_ARGS: -ss 0.000 -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -noautorotate -i /volume1/USER NAME/Vidéos, Télévision/Films/Babysitting 1.mkv -vcodec h264_vaapi -vf format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload,scale_vaapi=w=848:h=448,scale_vaapi=format=nv12 -vsync 2 -bf 0 -vb 500000 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k -ac 2 -f ssegment -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_type m3u8 -hls_seek_time 0 -segment_time 5 -segment_time_delta 0.000 -segment_start_number 00000 -individual_header_trailer 0 -avoid_negative_ts 0 -break_non_keyframes 1 -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 /tmp/VideoStation/HLS/3567c24e47ad2c0aa0b8b84ce45358ed_prbJvMqI/slice-%05d.ts
[2023-04-24 18:20:47] [INFO] ========================================[end ffmpeg 24666]

You has the SIMPLEST ONE installed.

It's correct, you only can change the order of the audio's codecs using the advance Wrapper.

@Mikoros please re-install the advanced one and then config it using the "Configurator Tool Menu".

Best regards.

Unfortunately, I tried but it still doesn't work. I couldn't type "a" and "g" simultaneously so I typed "a" and then did it again with "g" but the result is the same on TV : the video plays without sound.

Please, go to VideoStation --> Configuration and confirm me that you have this option enabled: (yellow marked)

Please, go to VideoStation --> Configuration and confirm me that you have this option enabled: (yellow marked) image

Tell me, I looked at myself and I do not have this option highlighted in yellow. How to get it?

Please now with the advanced, could you send me this?

tail -n 150 -f /tmp/wrapper_ffmpeg.log

Then copy and paste here the result again.


@misterravlik It depends in your synology model. There are few that doesn´t support hardware transcoding. Could you send me a screenshot of Config-->Advanced in your VideoStation?


@misterravlik It depends in your synology model. There are few that doesn´t support hardware transcoding. Could you send me a screenshot of Config-->Advanced in VideoStation?


Thank you. I apparently have an old model and it does not support, DS1513

@misterravlik It depends in your synology model. There are few that doesn´t support hardware transcoding. Could you send me a screenshot of Config-->Advanced in VideoStation?

Thank you. I apparently have an old model and it does not support, DS1513

Yeah, this model has only software transcoding. In newer models, you must have this option.

Remember that the DS-Video versions used on TVs are not maintained and are very old versions. Your problems may be caused by your TV using an old version of DS-Video...

Best regards.

My Wrapper patch the Media Server too. In LAN, when you have a TV with a DS-Video with a very old version, I recommend to use DLNA, using DLNA you will be able to play this movies with sound.


Please, go to VideoStation --> Configuration and confirm me that you have this option enabled: (yellow marked) image

Well, in fact this window doesn't exists on the TV app. I think that unfortunately, the problem really comes from the TV app... Because everything works fine on my computer / phone.

Yeah, I think so.

I uninstalled the DS-Video app in my TVs and I am using a Google TV (Chromecast gen. 5.0) or via DLNA using Media Server.

I will close this ticket, I think that the Wrapper is working fine and your problem really comes from the TV app, It's very old.

Best regards.