DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 1 video station can't generate video thumbnails
Sunwukong888 opened this issue · 7 comments
thanks for your reply, after I uninstall Video Station and then reinstall it with a reinstallation of your wrapper, it still not work. The capture I paste before is OTHER VIDEO CATEGORY, which means it capture random picture in video as thumbnail. just not like the movie category.
this is my /tmp/wrapper_ffmpeg.log.
[2022-10-08 00:32:09] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wr apper: START ====================
[2022-10-08 00:32:09] INFO: Backup the original ffmpeg41 as ffmpeg41.orig.
[2022-10-08 00:32:09] INFO: Injection of the ffmpeg41 wrapper using this injecto r: 1-12.3.5.
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Fixing permissions of the ffmpeg41 wrapper.
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Backup the original libsynovte.so in VideoStation as libsynovte.so.orig.
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Fixing permissions of /var/packages/VideoStation/tar get/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Patching /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsy novte.so for compatibility with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Adding of the KEY of this Wrapper in DLNA MediaServe r.
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Backup the original libsynovte.so in MediaServer as libsynovte.so.orig.
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Fixing permissions of /var/packages/MediaServer/targ et/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Patching /var/packages/MediaServer/target/lib/libsyn ovte.so for compatibility with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
[2022-10-08 00:32:13] INFO: Restarting CodecPack...
[2022-10-08 00:32:17] INFO: Restarting VideoStation...
[2022-10-08 00:32:21] INFO: Restarting MediaServer...
[2022-10-08 00:32:24] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wr apper: COMPLETE ====================
[2022-10-17 20:20:56] INFO: ==================== Configuration of the Language i n this Installer ====================
[2022-10-17 20:22:21] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wr apper: START ====================
[2022-10-17 20:22:21] INFO: Actually you have a OLD or OTHER patch applied in yo ur system, please UNINSTALL OLDER Wrapper first.
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: ==================== Uninstallation of OLD wrappers in the system: START ====================
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Restoring VideoStation's libsynovte.so
mv: cannot stat '/var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so.orig': No s uch file or directory
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Restoring MediaServer's libsynovte.so
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Remove of the KEY of this Wrapper in DLNA MediaServe r.
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Restoring CodecPack's /var/packages/CodecPack/target /pack/bin/ffmpeg41.orig
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Delete old log file ffmpeg.
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: ==================== Uninstallation of OLD wrappers in the system: COMPLETE ====================
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: ====================CONTINUING With installation of the Advanced Wrapper...====================
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wr apper: START ====================
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Backup the original ffmpeg41 as ffmpeg41.orig.
[2022-10-17 20:22:51] INFO: Injection of the ffmpeg41 wrapper using this injecto r: 1-12.3.5.
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Fixing permissions of the ffmpeg41 wrapper.
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Backup the original libsynovte.so in VideoStation as libsynovte.so.orig.
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Fixing permissions of /var/packages/VideoStation/tar get/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Patching /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsy novte.so for compatibility with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Adding of the KEY of this Wrapper in DLNA MediaServe r.
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Backup the original libsynovte.so in MediaServer as libsynovte.so.orig.
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Fixing permissions of /var/packages/MediaServer/targ et/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Patching /var/packages/MediaServer/target/lib/libsyn ovte.so for compatibility with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
[2022-10-17 20:22:55] INFO: Restarting CodecPack...
[2022-10-17 20:22:59] INFO: Restarting VideoStation...
[2022-10-17 20:23:04] INFO: Restarting MediaServer...
[2022-10-17 20:23:07] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wr apper: COMPLETE ====================
[2022-10-17 20:25:04] INFO: Changing to use FIRST STREAM= AAC 5.1 512kbps (or AC 3 5.1 640kbps), SECOND STREAM= MP3 2.0 256kbps in VIDEO-STATION.
[2022-10-17 20:25:04] INFO: ==================== Configuration of the Advanced W rapper: COMPLETE ====================
In the logs I can see that the thumbnails aren't using my wrapper, the problem looks like that It isn't due for my wrapper...
I will investigate this issue, but I think that the problem is other thing...
thanks for your reply, these options you mention before has been checked before. I can't figure out what's wrong with thumbnails. Maybe is the newest DSM system bug. thanks again for your great work