
Change license to MIT or similar

Opened this issue · 2 comments


While I appreciate the idea of the license this repository has, it makes it unfeasible to use in many projects due to it's restrictiveness and rarity. While I assume you're already aware of this, this issue is here to highlight the fact that I'd love to use it but cannot.

Regardless, I thank you for your work within Open Source.

Best wishes,

Hi Lukas, thanks for reaching out. If you don't mind, could you explain what particular clause or clauses in the license are preventing you from using this software?

The Hippocratic license comes in a few different flavors and has several optional sections, so I might be able to update it to remove your blocker.

That said, I'm not entirely opposed to changing the license outright either, if there was a compelling reason to do so.


It's rather a question of auditability. Not only is the license by itself rare, but the fact it is highly configurable means that to fully understand it, a full reading must be done of it in its entirety. While this would be feasible for a single piece of software, as a dependency in a tree that quickly becomes unfeasible and for organizations with policies of only allowing a whitelisted number of licenses, it becomes impossible. An exception here and there quickly makes a dependency tree polluted, which means that even though I'd love to use it, I can't justify making an exception for a (relatively) small piece of code that is a DX-enhancer but can be replaced by just having generated fav-icons in the git tree instead.

For now I've got another solution spun up that I imagine I'm not gonna shift away from until I have to take another stab at it, so for me it's no bother, but for others it might be worth considering the arguments laid out above.

Thanks for your time.