
Could not find a declaration file for module '@studio-freight/react-lenis'

piscopancer opened this issue · 7 comments

Splact commented

Just bumped on the same issue too

it should be fixed with version 0.0.24

@piscopancer is it fixed ?

You pushed an update ok got it, when I am back home I am gonna check it out ⚡

@clementroche it is not typed at all whadteee...

 * @param {boolean=} [root] Whether Lenis will be initialized on document.documentElement
 * @param {Object=} [options={}] Lenis options
 * @param {boolean=} [autoRaf=true] Whether to call Lenis.raf automatically on every frame
 * @param {number=} [rafPriority=0] Priority of Lenis.raf call (lower priority callbacks are called first)
export const ReactLenis: any; // 😭

can you get types from normal lenis and push them to this react version? that would be ease, must be easy, idk. 😎

currently I am using this component (messy af) but it is properly typed hell yeah 🔥

'use client'

import Lenis from '@studio-freight/lenis'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

export default function LenisScroll() {
	useEffect(() => {
		const lenis = new Lenis({
			duration: 2.5,

		function raf(time: number) {


	return <script about='lenis' />

Is it still throwing errors ?
If not, i did it right, we don't use Typescript and we don't want to. So we just provide the bare minimum to make it work with TS. However feel free to do a PR if you find a solution for properly providing the types.

Can I close this issue if your initial error was fixed ?

Is it still throwing errors ? If not, i did it right, we don't use Typescript and we don't want to. So we just provide the bare minimum to make it work with TS. However feel free to do a PR if you find a solution for properly providing the types.

Can I close this issue if your initial error was fixed ?

come on, why are you not using ts. that's 2023. anyway, yes close this issue