
useLenis - page gets stuck in hard reload loop when trying to use lenis.stop()

dash-james opened this issue · 2 comments

When using the ReactLenis component (in a Layout component) as well as useLenis (in a component), the page keeps reloading.

I'm using a useEffect hook like so:

useEffect(()=> {
	if (window != undefined) {
		if (lenis) lenis.stop()
}, [lenis])

I can't seem to replicate on a codesandbox link, but here it is anyways - maybe I'm doing something else wrong trying to manually stop and start it? Maybe its because I'm hot-reloading in dev mode?

not related but if (window != undefined) is not necessary since useEffect only run on client side

Well it's gonna be hard to fix if we can't reproduce it, we've never experienced such issue

I've removed that piece now, sometimes I use it to access the DOM without using a million refs.

Is that the correct way to stop the Lenis instance when a component loads? or should I rather include it in the Layout component? As right now it does not even stop the instance?

Seems to work sometimes, sometimes get stuck in a reload loop - not sure why it would need to reload
Here is the error I keep getting:
warn - Fast Refresh had to perform a full reload. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/fast-refresh-reload