
Missing hamo exported hooks

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hell-O, I've noticed while trying to run Storybook locally that it crashes when importing 2 of the @darkroom/engineering/hamo hooks:

  • useLazyState
  • useObjectFit

The error is ignored because of the libs/overwrite.d.ts types, which mark them as existing (commenting the file shows ExtendedDOMRect is missing too in the library).

Changing those 2 lines makes Storybook run with no crash (so would the components on the app), so I suspect the latest hamo release hasn't been triggered. Satus is using the version 0.6.46 whereas the release page shows the latest is 0.6.9 but it's not found on install nor displayed on npmjs.

  • In hooks/use-scroll-trigger, change useLazyState import from @darkroom... to hooks/use-lazy-state (since the file is existing in Satus).
  • in hooks/use-scroll-trigger, change the useObjectFit import from @darkroom... to hooks/use-object-fit, and create a file of the same name with the code from the hamo library directly.

Thanks @quentinbrohan, we're a in a middle of a lot of changes. We gonna take care of it. cc @feledori