
ALDOS initial system configuration utility

Primary LanguagePython

ALDOS Firstboot.

The firstboot utility runs after ALDOS installation. It guides the user through a series of steps that allows easier configuration of a newly installed machine.

NOTICE: this program is specific to ALDOS Linux distribution. Don't expect it to work in other Linux distros (without modifications), unless your distro uses SysVinit or any SysVinit-compatible init system (e.g. upstart) and it has installed the required components. The SysVinit stuff consists of sysvinit/fistboot init script and a hard-coded command at progs/firstboot file.

This project is based on the now deprecated 'firstboot' v18.6 by Martin Gracik from Red Hat. I just removed the SystemD stuff, back-ported the sysvinit stuff, re-branded .po and some .py files, and customize interface for ALDOS(1).

(1) ALDOS is a custom distribution I mantain. Based on non-SystemD Fedora.

You are welcome to contribute to this project or use it in your own project.


  • Shows welcome splash. See modules/welcome.py file.
  • Shows the EULA (currently GNU/GPLv2). See modules/eula.py file.
  • (Re)Configure keyboard in case you missed it during installation. See firstboot/frontend.py file.
  • Create new user and (re)setup authconfig. See modules/create_user.py file.
  • Set date and local time and (optionally) setup sync with ntp servers. See modules/date.py.


  • -m, --moduledir use an alternative module directory.
  • -r, --reconfig Run wizard again to re-configure system.
  • -s, --autoscreenshot Take automatic screenshots and save them into /root/firstboot-screenshots.
  • -t, --test Run in test mode.
  • --themedir Use an alternative theme directory.


To build:

  • gettext
  • make
  • python2-devel
  • python2-setuptools


  • authconfig-gtk
  • cracklib-python
  • initscripts (specifically /etc/init.d/functions)
  • libuser-python
  • pygtk2
  • python2 >= 2.6
  • python-ethtool
  • python-meh
  • setuptool
  • system-config-date
  • system-config-keyboard
  • system-config-users

TODO (need help with this!).

  • Migrate to PyGobject
  • Migrate to Python 3.