
Bug? Prioritize recent not working

csss1234 opened this issue · 4 comments

My recents don't seem to get prioritized. I'm using the standard search

See example (Any way to get "heater" at the top of this list?):


Unfortunately priority adjustment don't apply to Standard Mode. This is because standard mode is the exact core Obsidian system switcher implementation, so the match scores are not adjusted in that mode. It should behave as expected in the Heading mode, and the other custom modes. The doc should be updated to reflect this more clearly. Thanks.

Is it possible to create something like an "Enhanced Standard Mode" that would be like Standard Mode but it uses the match scores? One of the main reasons I want to use Obsidian Switcher++ is that I want to tweak the results in a standard-like mode.

Yes! Headings Mode does exactly that. And with Release 4.1.0 you can limit searches to filenames only.

Great, thank you!