
[FR] Render Markdown in Search Results

julroger2013 opened this issue · 2 comments

Do you think it would be possible to render markdown in Switcher++'s results? For reasons idiosyncratic to the type of work I do (legal), a lot of my headings & callouts use italicization. It's a very modest thing - Switcher++ already functions so perfectly - but it would be nice if the italicization and any other markdown on these items rendered instead of showing the underlying markdown.

The Better Search Views plugin takes this approach with Obsidian's built-in search features, rendering callouts, italicization, highlights, etc. I'm not sure how portable that code is, nor what the restrictions are on the use of that author's code, but maybe that would provide a foundation for implementing markdown rendering in Switcher++?

Thanks for making this fantastic plugin. I use it all. the. time* I suspect it's single Obsidian plugin that I get the most utility from.

I'm glad you're still enjoying the plugin 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion, I will see how feasible it is for switcher++.