
Automatically populate .resoscript test fields and values

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  1. Pull metadata
  2. Locate first field of each different data type in metadata + ListingKey
  3. For each field located in #2 query with a filter like 'xxx ne null' to verify that at least one listing contains data
    • For Enum-Multi's it may be necessary to paginate or spin through records until a viable match is located. I can't think of a better method to locate a listing with multiple values? Or in case of no viable match the test should be disregarded?
    • If 0 results, go back to step #2 and locate the next field in the metadata for that data type
  4. Record value for the field (to populate our test values later)

At this point we should have a list such as this:

  • ListingKey.field: ListingKey.value
  • Int64.field: Int64.value (can be Int16 or Int32 instead)
  • String.field: String.value
  • String2.field: String2.value
  • Date.field: Date.value
  • DateTime.field: DateTime.value (DateTimeOffset is the official type?)
  • EnumSingle.field: EnumSingle.value
  • EnumMulti.field: EnumMulti.value1, EnumMulti.value2
  • Latitude.field: Latitude.value, (Lat and Lon must come from same listing)
  • Longitude.field: Longitude.value (Lat and Lon must come from same listing)
  • OriginatingSystemName.field: OriginatingSystemName.value

Populate the following parameters. Note that I've only included the parameters that require a change. If a parameter is omitted from my last that signifies that I don't believe it needs a change from its current default state.

  • UniqueIDValue: ListingKey.value

  • FilterNumericField: Int64.field

  • FilterNumericValueLow: Int64.value - 1

  • FilterNumericValueHigh: Int64.value + 1

  • FilterNotField: Int64.field

  • FilterHasField: EnumSingle.field

  • FilterHasValue: EnumSingle.value

  • SingleValueLookupField: EnumSingle.field

  • SingleValueLookupValue: EnumSingle.value

  • MultipleValueLookupField: EnumMulti.field

  • MultipleValueLookupValue1: EnumMulti.value1

  • MultipleValueLookupValue2: EnumMulti.value2

  • GeospatialValue: Latitude.value Longitude.value

  • ContainsField: String.field

  • ContainsValue: substring of String.value

  • EndsWithField: String.field

  • EndsWithValue: trailing substring of String.value

  • StartsWithField: String.field

  • StartsWithValue: leading substring of String.value

  • ToLowerField: String.field

  • ToLowerValue: lowercase String.value

  • ToUpperField: String.field

  • ToUpperValue: uppercase String.value

  • DateField: Date.field

  • DateValue: Date.value

  • YearValue: year value of Date.value

  • MonthValue: month value of Date.value

  • DayValue: day value of Date.value

  • TimestampField: DateTime.field

  • DateTimeValue: DateTime.value

  • TimeValue: time value of DateTime.value

  • HourValue: hour value of DateTime.value

  • MinuteValue: minute value of DateTime.value

  • SecondValue: second value of DateTime.value

  • FractionalValue: fractional second value of DateTime.value

  • ValueField: Int64.field

  • CastField: Int64.field

  • CastFieldValue: Int64.value

  • ConcatFieldOne: String.field

  • ConcatFieldOneValue: String.value

  • ConcatFieldTwo: String2.field

  • ConcatFieldTwoValue: String2.value

  • ConcatFieldBothValue: String.value: String2.value

  • OriginatingSystemNameValue: OriginatingSystemName.value

  • SelectList: ListingKey.field, Int64.field, String.field, String2.field, Date.field, DateTime.field, EnumSingle.field, EnumMulti.field, Latitude.field, Longitude.field, OriginatingSystemName.field, PropertyType (PropertyType seems to be a requirement that's not used in any of the Parameters?)

Item has been placed on hold for now.