
Source IP in reports.

RivasB opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello darold, I have a proxy with authentication by AD but I want to see in the reports the ip from where the user connects, this is an example of a line of my acces.log:

1541170714.797 3400 TCP_MISS/200 1054 POST http://ocsp.sca1b.amazontrust.com/ lisbet.rivero HIER_DIRECT/ application/ocsp-response

Notice that the ip address from which the request was generated was with the user lisbet.rivero
it is possible to add to the html generated by squidanalyzer a column for the IP address from which the connection or request was generated?

Commit 131b161 adds this feature, Ip addresses used by a user are reported in the Top site visited by a user reports and a list of all ip used by the user in the "User Statistics" report.