
Wrong data from e2guardian access.log

waltertakashi opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi! We're having some problems with the report generated by SquidAnalyzer. We're using e2guardian v5.3.2 and SquidAnalyzer 6.6 (last commit).

Our current date/time in our server is Sex Abr 19 23:16:01 AMT 2019, but when we run SquidAnalyzer, it shows the following message on debug:

SQUID LOG HISTORY TIME: Sat Apr 20 18:51:37 2019 - HISTORY OFFSET: 1421

The head of access.log is as follows:

1555708547.543      1 TCP_DENIED/403 0 GET http://clientservices.googleapis.com/chrome-variations/seed?osname=win&channel=stable&milestone=73 - DEFAULT_PARENT/ -
1555710929.169    204 TCP_MISS/301 0 GET http://officecdn.microsoft.com/db/492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60/Office/Data/v64_16.0.11425.20204.cab - DEFAULT_PARENT/ -
1555710934.315     97 TCP_MISS/301 0 GET http://officecdn.microsoft.com/sg/492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60/Office/Data/v64_16.0.11425.20204.cab - DEFAULT_PARENT/ -
1555715941.108 120095 TCP_DENIED/403 0 HEAD http://download.microsoft.com/v11/2/windowsupdate/redir/v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab?1904192316 - DEFAULT_PARENT/ -

The report is also giving wrong date/time values. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Please post the result of the following command:

LANG=C perl -e 'use POSIX qw/ strftime/; print strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y (%z)", CORE::localtime(1555710929.169)), "\n";'


Hi Darold,

Here is the output:

root@ubnt-server:~# LANG=C perl -e 'use POSIX qw/ strftime/; print strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y (%z)", CORE::localtime(1555710929.169)), "\n";'
Fri Apr 19 17:55:29 2019 (-0400)


Actually SquidAnalyzer use the localtime but if you use the -t option or the TimeZone configuration directive the specified value is added to the timestamp. Do you use this configuration?

No, I'm not using this option. It is really strange. Now I'm getting the following output:

SQUID LOG SET START TIME: Fri Apr 19 13:15:47 2019
SQUID LOG END TIME  : Mon Apr 22 05:43:12 2019

I checked these timestamps using the command you provided in your last reply and got the following outputs (from the first and last entries on access.log):

LANG=C perl -e 'use POSIX qw/ strftime/; print strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y (%z)", CORE::localtime(1555708547.543)), "\n";'
Fri Apr 19 17:15:47 2019 (-0400)

LANG=C perl -e 'use POSIX qw/ strftime/; print strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y (%z)", CORE::localtime(1555940592.864)), "\n";'
Mon Apr 22 09:43:12 2019 (-0400)

4 hours of difference between the logs and the report from SquidAnalyzer.

Well, I think I fixed it. I uncommented the TimeZone option and set it to +00, rebuilt it and voilá, worked like a charm :)

Thank you!

BTW: thank you for this awesome project :D

Commit 1bfd73c fix auto detection and handling of timezone. You should not have to use the TimeZone +00 workaround.