
"The file is not a correct arm64 binary" - LoginWithAmazon.framework

anfriis opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for an awesome tool!

I am trying to convert the LoginWithAmazon.framework using the following parameters:

.build/release/make-xcframework  \
  -ios LoginWithAmazon.framework \          
  -arm64sim \
  -output \output

and then I receive the following output:
Error: The file is not a correct arm64 binary. Try thinning (via lipo) or unarchiving (via ar) first.

Do you have any tips on how to proceed, if it is even possible?

Thanks for reporting the problem. It's caused by the arm64-to-sim, which can not read the binary for some reason. The make-xcframework command works as expected, but will fail when -arm64sim option is used.

In order to fix the issue, we will need to update arm64-to-sim project. I am not sure how to do it at the moment, but I am opening an issue in its repository.

There is no change required in the xcframework-maker that could fix the problem.