
Test-1PasswordCredentials returns a text variable rather than an hashed array variable

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This doesn't have the right to work because the returned value for $account is a textual and not a parsed hashed array variable.
Test-1PasswordCredentials output is text.

$account = Test-1PasswordCredentials -SignInAddress $1PSignInAddress -SignInAccount $1PSignInAccount -SecretKey $1PSecretKey -MasterPassword $1PMasterPassword
Set-1PasswordConfiguration -Vault $account.domain -SignInAddress $1PSignInAddress -SignInAccount $1PSignInAccount -SecretKey $1PSecretKey -MasterPassword $1PMasterPassword -Default

# $account
ID:         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Name:       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Domain:     xxxxxxxxx
Type:       xxxxxxxxx
State:      ACTIVE
Created:    xxxxxxxxxxx
# $account.ID
# $account.Domain
