
No tab titles on additional windows and File->Quit not working. Only in combination with Tab Mix Plus

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Today I replaced Tree Style Tabs with your Vertical Tabs extension. After a restart the titles from tabs in windows other than the first one were not displayed any more (on the tabs). Also File->Quit does not work. Only the restart link in the Add-on Manager still worked. (And 'killall firefox' as I'm using linux.)

When I disable Tab Mix Plus and restart, these problems disappear, but I had TMP installed already, and I did not have these issues. So the problem seems to be the combination of both Add-ons. I do not have this problem at home (this is my work computer), where I have both addons as well, on the same OS and Firefox version. But I don't regularly use multiple windows there, so the problem might exist there as well.

I have reported this issue to TMP as well.

On my new install, with only NoScript, Ghostery, Adblock Plus, Vertical Tabs and TMP installed, the titles of tabs in additional windows are still missing. Quit works though.