Can't create log file in windows
Closed this issue · 3 comments
ch0c4 commented
I try to use RollingFileLogger but I have got this issue
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\_w\Autre\fauxpositif\public\log\falsepositive_2017-02-10_12:03:27.log'
at Error (native)
I'm using windows 7 and my folder have all authorization
var log = require('simple-node-logger');
var logOptions = {
logDirectory: __dirname + '/public/log',
fileNamePattern: 'falsepositive_<DATE>.log',
dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH:mm:ss',
I don't know what I do, create the file before logging ? Or other stuff ?
darrylwest commented
hi ch0c4. sorry, I only have access to unix based machines so I can't test for windows. feel free to fork the repo and make file adjustments to support windows if you want.
IlanVokov commented
same on mac
darrylwest commented
yes, the folder does need to exist and be writable prior to calling