
Type of `$event.target` should match event binding host

Closed this issue · 5 comments


<input [value]="currentHero.name"
       (input)="currentHero.name=$event.target.value" >

This results in

warning: The getter 'value' isn't defined for the class 'EventTarget'. (undefined_getter at [template_syntax] lib/app_component.html:441)

IMHO, the type of $event.taget should be taken as the type of the host element (InputElement in this case).

Ah interesting. This would be tough for us to do. It's the equivalent of doing

InputElement i = document.getElementById(...);
i.onClick((e) => use(e.target.value)); // wouldn't work!

We rely on dart tooling enough that this would be hard for us to handle since it isn't generalizable within dart itself.

However, the equivalent workaround:

i.onClick((e) => use(i.value));

is possible within angular as well

<input #i (input)="currentHero.name = i.value" />

@kwalrath can you check if we are suggesting the "$event.target.value" approach anywhere in for instance the tour of heroes? I don't have the sources anywhere I can easily search, but it won't work for users of the plugin well.

I did find this: https://webdev.dartlang.org/angular/tutorial/toh-pt6#herosearchcomponent which makes me think we may not be recommending "$event.target" at all which I think is ideal

Btw, https://webdev.dartlang.org hosts the Angular 4 docs. Select the AngularDart dropdown in the main menu to switch to the Angular 5-dev version of the site.

If $event were a generic type, Event<TargetType>, then it might be possible :), but I understand that it is beyond the scope of this issue. Thanks for the discussion. Closing.