
chrome.identity won't work during development

jarrodek opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to run an app that use chrome.identity API.
However I can use this API during development because when I run chrome.identity.getAuthToken(new chrome.TokenDetails(interactive: false)) I receive some background error "The user is not signed in.". Of course - I thought. But I can sign in into Dartium because it says that Google API keys are missing and some functionality will be disabled. Eventually I can't sign in into Chromium, therefore I can't use this API.

Will it going to be supported in near future?

There's an issue filed for this here: https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=13100. There is a way to work around this by settings some environment variables for Dartium. I'm not familiar with that myself; @keertip and @gaurave would have more info.

Thanks for fast answer :)
I read provided thread on Google Code and it seems that the trick with keys isn't working with Dartium. I'll wait until it will be fixed.

When the issue (link from @devoncarew ) was created, Dartium started to show a warning message at each startup about missing API keys. I set the environment variables as described and the message went away and never came back since. So it seems to work (I'm on Linux - no idea if that matters)

@zoechi It works. At least for an information about API keys. However I still can't sign in into chromium (with my Google Account) and use identity API. I thought that the error is caused bu the missing keys but apparently it isn't. Any ideas? :)