
Some changes to components do not get rendered in development

matthewpflueger opened this issue · 1 comments

It seems some changes to components do not get rendered during development. I say some because it isn't always the case - it seems to have something to do with the layout nesting (I think). I believe this is a bug with 11ty but wanted to file the issue here first in case it is a configuration issue with this repository...

To reproduce:

  1. Clone repo
  2. run npm install && npm start
  3. Open localhost:8080 and observe the site-foot at the bottom of the page
  4. cat _site/index.html and see the site-foot rendered html code
  5. Open src/_includes/components/site-foot.webc and make a visible change (like adding a <h1>test</h1> right before the first <p>)
  6. Observe that the dev server sees the change and re-renders
  7. However, upon cat'ing the _site/index.html the change is not there (and obviously not in the browser either)

Expected result:
Upon making any change to site-foot.webc, those changes would get re-rendered and reflected in the browser no matter who is using the component.

NOTE: If you create a simple page src/test.webc with the following content:

title: Site Footer Test
layout: layouts/base.webc

And then make modifications to the site-foot component everything is re-rendered correctly as expected EXCEPT for the "complex" pages like src/index.md. The rendered html at _site/index.html still does not show the changes.

I believe this issue is 11ty's: