
Remote debugging has been terminated...

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Trying to run npm run dev-server-debug. Any ideas why I get the following response?

Remote debugging has been terminated with reason: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED. Is node running with --debug port 5858? Please re-attach to the new target.

it means another node_inspector process is already running on your host, kill it first

or in package.json change to use different debug port script line

"dev-server-debug": "node-debug --debug-brk build/server.js --debug --source-maps",


"dev-server-debug": "node-debug --debug-port 5859 --debug-brk build/server.js --debug --source-maps",

I don't have any other node apps running and I have tried another port with the same complaint. :(

no other process somewhere or firewall...look deep in process and kill all node process...or put --web-port option.

your browser will open automatically then and show debug mode for server side

I ll check tomorrow again

I opened a port specifically. In task manager/Details I see node.exe in the list when I launch debug. I end the task and node.exe goes away. There does not seem to be any other node services running. Perhaps there is another way to determine that.

$ npm install -g node-inspector

README has to be rewritten, you are not the first to ask me ;)