
Motivation for getDataState() not inside HomeSection component?

barrystaes opened this issue · 3 comments

Looking at this starter kit now.. and see a great example of something that intrigues me:

The controller view HomeSection.jsx has a function to load state from store.

Why is it placed not inside the component, but as a (global) function next to it?
AFAIK, there is nothing outside of the component that would need to be able to call it in the global scope.

Indeed you are right and that was just inpired by great Alt example here :


Then this method should be static to component, do you have any suggestions of refactoring ?

I was just trying to understand the reason, but perhaps there is none.. if anyone reading this knows please do tell. :)

My diy kiss flux test (looks like yours) continues to work since ditching that global function:

Turns out there is a reason to have functions like this.

Apparently this is how JS objects exposed through modules can have "private" variables and functions.