
iPad version

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iPad version

I just installed SparkleShare on my own Ubuntu Server under OpenSSH.
It is working very fine with my Windows client as well as with my iMac/OSX Lion.

Now I'd like to get the iPad client working but I don't understand how to setup it.
There is only two fields to be set: Link and Code ?
The question is how to get a public SSH key from my iPad and what do I have to enter as link and code ?

Many thanks for your help

I'd like to know too. Are we missing something or is it not done yet?

Turns out, you need to setup the so-called sparkleshare dashboard. The original git is gone, but there are several forks available (like https://github.com/tommyd3mdi/sparkleshare-dashboard ). after installation, you need to edit the config.js so that it points to your gits. after that you have a web interface and that's where the link and code is (same goes for android: https://github.com/NewProggie/SparkleShare-Android/wiki/Testing-SparkleShare-for-Android ).