
Android 11

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hello @darvincisec ,

I tried to test the sample code on Android 11 , it does not work when magisk Hide is used.
I know it is not tested on Android 11 as bel the your blog (https://darvincitech.wordpress.com/2019/11/04/detecting-magisk-hide/)
but is there any way to make it work on Android 11?


@charbelmkh , Is it tested with the latest code ? If there are logs, can you share?
Also lwhat exactly is the toast msg you get?

Hello @darvincisec,
Yes I'm using the latest code,
it seems to be working when compile with api level 29 but when I changed to api level 30 with hide it does't seems to be working.
I have a pixel phone rooted with android 11
and the toast message that I'm getting is "Magisk Not Found" (again this is when I compile with api level 30 and hide root ).


I compiled with api level 30, added more logs and generated an apk. Can you check with the apk pushed into the repo ? What version of Magisk are you using?

The uploaded APK is release (can't find any logs),
I have updated the code and build it. same behaviour as before.
below are some logs (with and without hide).

Seems only not working if set the targetSdkVersion to 30, not related to the compileSdkVersion.

I just tried it, yes it seems when changing the targetSdkVersion to 30.
it's a bit weird thought.

Maybe means that it is Android 11's behavior as it will run the compatibility mode in Android 11 if not specifying the targetSdkVersion to 30.

It's a little bit late, but for Android 11 cases the Magisk Hide detection through mounts aren't present over /sbin folder. Maybe that's the reason why it can't be detected. Instead, by reading /proc/.../mounts, you should aim to look for any trace of magisk instead of looking specific paths.
When no Magisk Hide is enabled, the symlink su binary is present on /system/bin, but its default place is on /dev folder which host another folder inside with a random name and fully root access (it isn't allowed to access, neither adb shell can reach).

Fixed it in the latest changeset