
[BUG] Manga titles on certain manga not displayed & issue with storing decimal chapters

dimox99 opened this issue · 12 comments

  1. Bug
    Certain Manga titles fail to display when you search for them.
    The title column is left blank. As a result, downloading chapters will work, but Mangadesk won't create a subfolder for the manga. Instead Chapters are stored in the downloads folder. This potentially creates a mess, when you download more than one of such title at a time.

  2. Bug
    Chapter download, folder naming issue
    Since some time Mangadex allows uploaders to use decimal chapter numbers, e.g. Chapter 8.5. You can see them as such in Mangadesk. When you download such a chapter, this important dot gets removed, so in the folder the chapter is now named like "Chapter85". Now imagine what happens when you have a manga title with tons of decimal chapter... this creates a mess unless you rename the folders manually - which would lead to the download marker being removed.

To Reproduce
Bug 1:
search for "9999" - currently bugs out on on first entry, The manga title is missing. You can acces the manga.
search for "Tenkosuka" - one result, manga title is blank.

I'm not sure, what causes this. I suspect the titles might being to long or contain nasty characters

Bug 2:
download any manga with decimal chapters, e.g. search for "Kumo desu ga, nani ka"

thanks for reporting!


  1. The reason this happens is because the application uses the en title to show the title and store the files, but sometimes people add it such that the titles end up being in other language tags. For the manga you mentioned, the English name went to the ja tag.
  2. This was an oversight on my part. In the meantime, I am thinking of replacing the . characters in the name with _ characters as of now.

The first bug might be harder to fix simply due to how the API is structured (it's not very consistent with the data types it returns), but the 2nd one should be an easy fix.

Regarding 1 - hm, what would be your solution then? Maybe use the japanese title instead, or the Manga ID?
Regarding 2 - sounds good, no issues with that

i could make the ID a part of the folder name, so at least a subfolder for the manga is created when downloading (without the english title, if its missing).

as for displaying the title, im not too sure yet. the API data is not pretty and would require me to jump through quite a few hoops if a english title isnt present, and even so theres no guarantee trying to get an alternate title yields what we want (maybe someone added a japanese title in the en field haha). theres only so much you can do when given bad data.

Hm, always adding those IDs might cause different issues, I guess. The new manga IDs are quite long now, so that's wasting a lot of characters, considering that the combined length of filename+folderpath have their limits. Maybe only use instead of an otherwise blank title?

yea its not pretty. altho i could just not think so hard and just work with whatever data im given.

anw i dont really have the time to get to bottom of this rn, so ill think abt it when i have the free time.

in the meantime tho i should be able to release a fix just for the 2nd issue.

Albeit it's a bit inconvenient for such titles, Mangadesk still works with them. Just take your time to find a proper solution.


is the issue regarding wrong language (Bug 1) also the reason why certain titles cannot be found in Mangadesk - at least for me they cannot be searched for:


I mean, especially the second title should be easy to find if you look for "giant" but no matter what I try, the search simply returns "no results".

One thing that's special with those two is that they seem to have no description either. At least if I look at them on Mangadex there is none.

it is due to how the api wrapper i am using for the application parses the data (it cant parse it correctly, so it errors out/doesnt show it).

So, that doesn't sound like an easy fix...

One other strange thing I noticed with searches is that a title may or may not be found depending on the exact keyword you search for. Some seem to not work at all. A good example would be this one:


Search for "license", "manamusume" or even something plain like "daughter" and it will show up. Well, ofc "daughter" produces quite the list, but the title is still there. Now search for "Boukensha" instead and the list returns... "no results". now that's weird considering the number of titles that should contain this keyword.

Only reason I can imagine here is that there might even be too many results for "Boukensha".

yup. they were changing the API designs rapidly and it was hard to keep up, so now theres quite a few errors haha,

Yeah, haha. Now they changed API again, I guess. On opening Mangadesk, you now you get "Error loading manga list".

But it's not completely broken. Searching for titles still seems to work, if we exclude above mentioned problems.