
[BUG] Manga list not showing up when searching

BaccanoMob opened this issue · 4 comments

Search not working as intended.

Found this comment in the logs when it fails.

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Manga.data.relationships of type []mangodex.LocalisedStrings

Which version of the app are you using? Also, did you search for a particular title? Would help me greatly in identifying the issue.


json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Manga.data.relationships of type []mangodex.LocalisedStrings

this makes me think you might be using an old version of the app.

in any case, awaiting more info. thanks!

Yes, apparently I was using an old version. I had to backtrack the downloaded date and check with the date of latest release. Since I usually have the manga followed, I didnt notice till now.

Is it possible to include version number in app? For example like in putting version number on top of Keyboard Mapping section.

or next to "Login to Mangadex" or "Welcome to Mangadex, !"(if logged in) sign
Stating "Mangadesk v.0.7.5" or just "v.0.7.5"

I dont think the version number is included anywhere inside the app as well as in properties tab. I know this is minor stuff, but it would much easier to track the version I am using in case I have an issue.

now that you mentioned it, im embarassed at myself for not realising xd

i will add the version number!