
excessive clipping in DasPlot of title, inconsistent clipping

Closed this issue · 4 comments

James and I were looking at where the plot title is clipped by the yaxis, but then the yaxis doesn't really use the real estate. We think there should be an option to allow components to be more willing to overlap one another.

James also pointed out that while the DasAxis has a nice DEBUG_GRAPHICS mode, the DasPlot doesn't have this feature. Other components, like the DasAnnotation, would be well-served by this too.

  • 1. shared real estate
  • 2. DEBUG_GRAPHICS for DasPlot

DasPlot has DEBUG_GRAPHICS now, which draws a box around the plot title.

This is the control:

private static final boolean DEBUG_GRAPHICS = System.getProperty("das2.graph.dasplot.debuggraphics","false").equals("true")

I've added this for the DasAnnotation object as well.

DasPlot has a new control, longTitles, which when set to true will all the title to overlap with the Y axis.