
SSD1306 dimensions

DhruvaG2000 opened this issue · 4 comments

Can you please specify the dimensions of your tested SSD1306 display?
I seem to own a SSD1306 1.3" display and it does not work well with this library. It shows only 5-10% of the display area and the rest is just white noise

I've used a 0.96" display with 128x64 pixels. Did you specified the right width and height when using ssd1306_init ?

bool ssd1306_init(ssd1306_t *p, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t address, i2c_inst_t *i2c_instance);

Make sure that there's no loose connection between the display and the controller, I've experienced your issue caused by that.

Did you specified the right width and height when using

Well I just tried ssd1306_init(&disp, 128, 32, 0x3C, i2c1);
and now I am getting about 30% of the display to show those animations in the example...

Make sure that there's no loose connection between the display and the controller,

It helped me when I used external pull up resistors too, and no I dont think there is a loose connection issue here as I have used decent quality wires

I just tested it using my arduino, and then realized I need an equivalent of U8glib.h for RPi pico.

Ref. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/infoelectorials/project-011-arduino-1-3-i2c-white-oled-display-project-a547d4