
Potential "The pattern can never match the type." issue found by dialyxir

paulo-ferraz-oliveira opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm running mix dialyzer over this project (will be introduced in a subsequent pull request), and getting

The pattern can never match the type.

{_gen, true}

{[any()], false}

A brief analysis of the issue seems to show that there really isn't a {gen, true} tuple generated.

Moving gen_times to

  defp gen_times(t, n, mod, acc) do
    case generate(t, mod, []) do
      # {gen, true} -> [gen | acc]
      {gen, false} -> gen_times(t, n - 1, mod, [gen | acc])

still yields all positive test results, but I'm pretty sure the way to solve this isn't by commenting out that code, otherwise recursion is always done n times, right?

@josevalim, about this one... Any guidance on how it should be fixed?

Thank you ❤️

Thank you. I can rebase my pull request, but it won't bring in a lot of value at this moment, any more.